Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Fear of Landing: You Fly Like A Woman by Sylvia Spruck Wrigley

Fear of Landing: You Fly Like a WomanI was excited about this book, another read to add to my growing list of "women in aviation" books. It was good though not quite what was I expecting. 

It's a memoir so it's a lot of telling rather than showing. "Showing" a memoir is hard, I know. And for some reason, I thought it was chronicling many episodes of flying, but it just tells about this woman learning to fly in Spain. What starts out as a whim and a way to keep the month long flight school cheaper for everyone in involved becomes a serious accomplishment even if it takes her two weeks longer than the rest of the class. Also, it's not as humorous as I was expecting. The cover had me thinking I would laugh a's a cute cover though.

Like I said, lots of telling, little showing, and it got a bit technical at times, but if you're looking for a short, contemporary read about a woman learning to fly, it's free on kindle today. (I bought mine when it was 99 cents.)

My favorite scene was the dog and the little girl running across the runway. My heartbeat picked up as I read that bit. Scary! 

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